Top 10 motivated candidates in just 10 days thanks to the power of AI
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TOP 10 candidates
in a simple way
Having troubles attracting talents?
How to write a job description to sell your company? How to make it creative? What skills to pay attention to and figure out it quickly?

Well, you don't have to waste time on this. Just use our database and AI-HR Assistant to hire developers easily, cheaply and accurately.
Take a quiz with our AI-HR assistant and it'll create
a vacancy for you
How it works
Learn more details
Our AI-HR assistant contacts candidates and sell them your job as a new opportunity
3 step
We check hard and soft skills and you get the top 10 motivated candidates
4 step
Our AI-HR assistant selects the top 100 relevant candidates out of 150,000+ CVs
2 step
1 step
Our advantages
Just several days
to select the best candidates
Hard skills and Soft skills meet your requirements
Candidates are motivated to work in your company
We use Psychometric Profiling to check necessary skills
Create a vacancy
• Get access to our AI-HR bot
• AI-HR bot creats a job description for you
• Get recomendation in posting
a vacancy
• Get the top 10 motivated candidates
• Get 10 CVs and smart reviews for hard and soft skills
• Assistance in scheduling interviews
Find the TOP 10
Head Hunting
• Individual head hunting
• Recruitment process till you're happy with the final candidate
• Free replacement during probation period
Our services
Discount only for Product Hunt members
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